Are you in a similar situation to our clients?
If so, get in touch to find out how we can help you.

Are you in the automotive industry? We have put together a selection of case studies from clients we have helped within the automotive industry.
Car Retailer
Debt: £9,250
Challenge: Our client contacted us having been recommended by a mutual contact. The client needed our assistance in collecting the proceeds from the sale of a motor vehicle to the debtor company.
The client had allowed the purchaser to take the vehicle and pay later as the client had previously done business with the debtor. However, payment was not forthcoming despite the account not being in dispute.
Solution: By the time we took on the case, the debt was over 6 months old. We therefore set to work in recovering the money owed. We contacted the debtor entity by post and email making clear that legal action would incur additional costs.
Result: Payment of the invoice was received in full.
If so, get in touch to find out how we can help you.
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Chatmohr Business Park
Crawley Hill
SO51 6AP
VAT No. 201 8843 27
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