What is the debt recovery act? | Laws and regulations in debt recovery

In the UK there are many rules and regulations that businesses have to follow to recover commercial debt, or any debt at all. The debt recovery act is there to ensure that those who are owed money are able to follow a process which protects them and their debtors. If you are a business in […]
Interest rates on unpaid invoices – what are your options as a business with debtors

Interest rates on unpaid invoices may be something you as a business owner have considered. It may be the incentive some debtors need in order to pay their debts before being charged more. There are many reasons why you may consider applying interest rates on unpaid invoices; however, there are some things you may need […]
What legal actions can I take to recover commercial debt?

There are many actions you can take to recover commercial debt. From organising payment plans, written letters, debt mediation and more. The world of commercial debt recovery can be tiring and stressful; but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work to recover commercial debt. At My Debt Recovery, our team of debt recovery specialists work with […]
How does the winding up petition process work?

The winding up petition process can be confusing, however, at My Debt Recovery we work with you to help you understand how the winding up petition works. As well as the steps involved before and after the process. If you are looking to request a winding up petition, keep in mind that there are several […]
Debt recovery enforcement options

There are various types of debt recovery enforcement options available. Each one has its own uses and as such you should take extreme care in deciding which route to go down. Before we decide on the debt recovery enforcement option there are several things we will ld do before further action is taken such as, […]
Want to see your cash flow improve? Recover your commercial debts

It’s no secret that commercial debts can cause a drain on your business’s cash flow. In fact, it’s one of the most common reasons businesses go bankrupt. However, there is hope! If you’re proactive about recovering your commercial debts, you can improve your cash flow and keep your business afloat. In this blog post, we’ll […]
What are some common reasons businesses get into commercial debt?

Commercial debt is created when one business owes money to another. This type of debt can come from a number of different places, including business loans, or lines of credit. However, most often it derives from unpaid services and overdue invoices. In this blog post, we will discuss some common reasons businesses get into commercial […]
Commercial Debts Recovery: What is it and how can it help your business?

Commercial debts recovery, or business debt collection, is a service that helps businesses reclaim unpaid invoices. This can be an extremely time-consuming process if you’re trying to do it yourself. A debt collection agency can help businesses recover individual or multiple outstanding invoice payments, saving you time and money in the process. If you’re struggling […]
Overdue Invoices – What Is Your Best Option?

If you’re a business owner, then you know that overdue invoices can be a major headache. Not only do they cause tension between you and the customer, but they can also seriously impact your bottom line. So what’s the best way to handle overdue invoices? In this blog post, we’ll explore four possible options: debt […]
How SMEs Can Effectively Pursue Commercial Disputes

SMEs are the backbone of the UK economy, and when they face difficulties due to late payments and overdue invoices, it has a knock-on effect on the whole country. SMEs are currently suffering from cash flow problems as a result of these issues. So it is crucial that they take steps to tackle disputes about […]